Submit your request to the competent data protection officer (Art. 37 GDPR)
You have reached this request form because it was specified and linked as a means of contacting the data protection officer by a controller under data protection law.
According to Art. 4(7) GDPR, a controller can be a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body.
On this page we offer an encrypted form with which you as the data subject can submit a request to the controller’s data protection officer. This message as well as all attachments will be transmitted to us in encrypted form, stored in encrypted form and erased from the server after retrieval by the data protection officer.
To allow us to process your query properly, please clearly name the controller in the form, leave your contact details and describe your specific concern.
With kind regards,
Peter Hense
Attorney-at-law and data protection officer
We’re here to help you!
The attorneys-at-law at Spirit Legal are certified data protection experts and advise both start-ups and medium-sized companies on all aspects of data protection. Well acquainted with practice and implementation, we support your company in actively avoiding liability. You can reach us during the week at our office in Leipzig, around the clock by telephone and, of course, at any time by email or using our contact form.
SPIRIT LEGAL Fuhrmann Hense Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten
Neumarkt 16-18
04109 Leipzig, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 341 - 39297890
Fax: +49 (0) 341 - 39297899